References – Disability and Child and Family Centred Practice

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References – Goal Setting

  • Fischer, A. (2009). Occupational TherapyIntervention Process Model. A Model for Planning Top-down, Client-centered, and Ocuppational-based Interventions. Colorado: Three Star Press, Inc.
  • Siegert, R.J. & Levack, W.M.M. (2015). Rehabilitation Goal Setting Theory, Practice and Evidence. New York: Taylor and Francis Group.
  • Tobbel, J & Bevan, J (1997). “GAS for People with Learning Disabilities” Winslow Press, Oxford
  • Turner-Stokes, L. (2009). Goal attainment scaling (GAS) in rehabilitation: a practical guide. Clinical rehabilitation23(4), 362-370.
  • Weid, D.T. (2009). Goal setting in rehabilitation: an overview of what, why and how. Clinical rehabilitation. 23: 291-295.